Jackson's Imprint on MHSAA Stretches 45 Years, Across 4 Executive Directors

By Geoff Kimmerly
MHSAA.com senior editor

October 5, 2022

First impressions can be significant, as many a saying goes. And Karen Brown unknowingly provided one in 1978 that helped affect the course of athletics in this state over the next 40-plus years. 

A Michigan State University student named Karen Leinaar had shown up at the Michigan High School Athletic Association for a meeting about a 5K road race she was planning that was unrelated to the MHSAA except that the building provided a good meeting place – and Brown, just a year out of high school, was the first person to greet her at the old Trowbridge Road headquarters.

Seeing someone her age immediately made Leinaar more comfortable. She ended up returning to that office several times over the years, registering as an MHSAA game official while still an MSU student and then starting a career in 1982 that has included nearly 40 years as a high school athletic director and two decades of shaping policy as part of the MHSAA Representative Council.

That’s the kind of impact that’s emanated from Karen Jackson, formerly Brown, and over the last 45 years as assistant to four of the five executive directors during the MHSAA’s 98-year history. Jackson finished that run with her retirement Friday.  

“She was always one that would welcome you, and whether you walked into the office or called on the phone, she always had an answer that would calm you down or provide you with the information you needed,” said Leinaar, who currently is serving as interim athletic director at Frankfort High School in addition to her duties as executive director of the Michigan Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Association. 

“I remember initially calling and needing something from Mr. Norris – it was always Mr. Norris – and she could answer the question,” Leinaar added, referring to retired MHSAA executive director Vern Norris, who served in that role from 1978-86. “You didn’t want to talk to scary Mr. Norris – Vern was a wonderful man, but he was like the superintendent or principal. Karen always had the answer. … It was always that smile that made you feel like you were more than welcomed, wanted in the office, and everything is going to be OK.”

Karen Jackson in 2022Jackson began at the MHSAA in June 1977, two days before her graduation from long ago-closed Harry Hill High School in Lansing. 

Her high school sports career amounted to about half a season on the Hill varsity volleyball team as a sophomore before she had to switch gears to begin working for the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce as part of a school co-op program.

Jackson graduated as a co-valedictorian of Hill’s Class of 1977. Despite her academic standing, she hadn’t received much guidance at school on the possibility of college. But she had a job offer from the Chamber – and also had heard from grade-school friend Deborah Norris (Vern’s daughter) about an opening at the MHSAA. 

The MHSAA was offering more money, and Jackson was hoping to buy a car – and so at 18, she became the secretary for executive director Allen W. Bush.

The title has changed over the years, from secretary to the executive director, to executive assistant, to senior executive assistant. The MHSAA’s administrative processes obviously have changed, mostly because of technology, from everything done on paper and through the mail to just about everything conducted digitally over the internet. 

But many of Jackson’s most important duties at the end of her tenure resembled those she was hired to carry out nearly half a century ago. 

Setting Exemplary Expectations

Bush retired a year after Jackson began, and she then assisted Norris for his eight as executive director. She served with Jack Roberts through his 32 years as executive director from 1986-2018 and then for these first 3½ under current director Mark Uyl.

She was considered the “baby” of the MHSAA staff during her first 12 years, until she turned 30 and her support staff teammates declared she wasn’t the baby anymore during a Christmas party serenade. Just about 33 years later, she’s leaving as one of two people left who worked in the old offices before the MHSAA moved to another East Lansing headquarters at Ramblewood Drive in 1996.

School sports happen thanks to a Karen Jackson or two in every community -- people who provide the unseen support that makes these programs possible every day. 

For the last 45 years, she’s provided a consistent anchor for service to 1,500 schools and millions of student-athletes across Michigan.

Jackson, sitting fourth from left, was the “baby” of the MHSAA staff after joining when she was 18. “She’s shaped so much of what we’ve done,” said MHSAA assistant director Kathy Vruggink Westdorp, who joined the staff during the 2003-04 school year after more than two decades working for Grand Rapids-area schools. “Her service to schools was imperative to what she was doing, and it was a valuable part for our membership. Hers was such a dedicated service, such an exemplary service – finding solutions, to do what’s needed.”

There are file cabinets and libraries and hard drives at the MHSAA office, the contents of which are known by only a handful of people on Earth – and Jackson perhaps the most as she did most of the sorting and maintaining of those files over the years.

For a 1996 Lansing State Journal feature on the MHSAA’s support staff, Jackson (then Yonkers) explained “there are always new challenges, new issues and controversies. It never gets boring. In the past 19 years, we’ve slowly shifted from dealing with athletic administrators, principals and superintendents to dealing with legislators, attorneys and courts.” 

The last 25 years has seen much of the work swing back to providing service directly to schools. And Jackson’s mind has become part MHSAA library and part card catalog of where to find those few snippets she might not recall immediately from the last half century. 

“I guess what I’m proud of is being able to find things, to know where to find things and how to find things that other people don’t,” Jackson said. “Yes, the technology has changed everything. … We used to have more schools – they used to have 40-some Detroit public schools – and there was a whole era of (litigation), but it’s calmed down now.

“I liked what I did, and it kept me on my toes – that’s for sure.” 

The MHSAA is rooted in its responsibilities as a championship and eligibility rules maker, and Jackson was involved in just about every communication in those areas during her time. Tournament changes are made at Representative Council meetings, and she’s reported the minutes for at least 150 of those, including piles of special sessions as the MHSAA managed sports through the COVID-19 pandemic. Eligibility waivers are requested at Executive Committee meetings, and she’s prepared somewhere north of 505 sets of minutes for those monthly sessions even as those agendas have grown in content substantially over the years.

Then there’s all of the correspondence from those four executive directors – all with the initials “kb” or “kj” to go with “AWB” or “VLN” or “JER” and “MU.” She also was in charge of MHSAA election ballots for 35 years, served as the lead organizer of cooperative programs, helped with football tickets for a time and briefly was part of the program-selling crew at early Football Finals at the Pontiac Silverdome.

“I think I’m pretty lucky, being on the Council and Executive Committee, that I’ve been able to work with her a lot. And most athletic directors, they may not even know who she is because they may not have contact with her or do anything with her – but she’s obviously been the unsung hero of that office,” said Vic Michaels, who serves as director of physical education & athletics for the Archdiocese of Detroit and has served on the Representative Council since 2003. 

“She just does so much that you don’t really know about, especially with the Council. Whenever I need anything, Karen’s the one I call. She is the history, really. She’s the keeper of that.”

Unprecedented & 'Never to be Replicated'

A longtime co-worker of Jackson, Shirley Hytinen, retired in 1998 after just a few months more than 43 years. She too had worked for four executive directors, as she began in 1955 during the Charles E. Forsythe era.

Jackson surpassed Hytinen’s tenure a few years into Uyl’s, and can readily recall some of what stood out from all four directors she’s assisted.  

Bush was “really stern” – he had served in the U.S. Marines – and she said he didn’t smile much until the day he announced his retirement, when it was “like a switch turned. He was smiling and happy and joking around.” 

Norris was “the sweetest guy in the world.” Jackson had bought her first house in her mid-20s and was preparing to move in with only her dad and his motor home to assist, when Norris showed up to help at 7:30 a.m. that morning to provide another set of hands. 

Roberts is known by Michigan administrators and national colleagues for his writing, and Jackson said jokingly she still “cringes” when she sees a yellow legal pad. She was an important proofreader and spent the majority of her career serving with her desk just a few paces away from that of the recent National Federation Hall of Fame selection, and she attended his induction this past summer and San Antonio.

Jackson and husband Jim have plans to travel in retirement. Roberts pointed out that during the 1980s, the MHSAA would conduct nine Executive Committee meetings, each averaging fewer than 10 requests for waivers. By the end of his 32 years, there were 11 Executive Committee meetings annually – with approximately 50 waiver requests presented on average. Still, he and Jackson were able to process the meeting minutes and continue to distribute those decisions within 24 hours. 

“Over the more than three decades that Karen and I worked together at the MHSAA, the work became increasingly more voluminous and complicated – and Karen kept finding ways to increase our efficiency and maximize our output,” Roberts said.

Like Norris when Bush was executive director, Uyl had been part of the MHSAA staff under Roberts since 2004 before eventually moving into the corner office. After those first 15 years together, Uyl knew what a valuable person he had just a few yards away to assist in his transition, and “he just says to do this” and allows his staff to run with it, which Jackson enjoyed.

Her duties have been shifted confidently, mostly to Jamie VanDerMoere, another longtime administrative assistant who is best-known to Michigan school sports people for her leadership with the annual wrestling championship tournaments.

Jackson recently was married to Jim Jackson, and they have plans as they close in on their first anniversary – they’re hoping to travel to Italy at some point and also The Masters in Augusta, Ga., next spring. “I’m not going to miss coming to work every day, but the people,” Karen Jackson said.

And many in school sports across Michigan, although they may not realize it, will miss the contributions Jackson has made to their community over the decades including the context she’s provided as thousands of decisions have been made.

“Not only her understanding of our regulations and the processes of our regulations, but understanding why we have those things in place – when someone does something 45 years, you get a lot of historical context,” Uyl said. “What’s made her so effective is understanding the why – and that to me is something that’s almost impossible to replace.

“When an organization has been around 98 years with only five directors, it says something to have worked for four out of the five. That will never be replicated again.”

PHOTOS (Top) From top left, Karen Jackson has been a mainstay of the MHSAA for decades – serving membership, working with administrators like Randy Allen and Gina Mazzolini or serving as assistant to executive directors like Jack Roberts (right) and Vern Norris. (Middle) Jackson, sitting fourth from left, was the “baby” of the MHSAA staff after joining when she was 18. (Below) Jackson and husband Jim have plans to travel in retirement. (MHSAA archives.)

2025 Scholar-Athlete Award Recipients Announced in Class B

By Geoff Kimmerly
MHSAA.com senior editor

February 11, 2025

The Michigan High School Athletic Association has selected nine student-athletes from Class B member schools to receive scholarships through the MHSAA/Farm Bureau Insurance Scholar-Athlete Award program. 

Farm Bureau Insurance logoFarm Bureau Insurance, in its 36th year of sponsoring the award, will give $2,000 college scholarships to 32 individuals who represent their member schools in at least one sport in which the Association sponsors a postseason tournament. The first 30 scholarships are awarded proportionately by school classification and the number of student-athletes involved in those classes; also, there are two at-large honorees who can come from any classification.

Students applying for the Scholar-Athlete Award must be carrying at least a 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) grade-point average and have previously won a letter in a varsity sport in which the Michigan High School Athletic Association sponsors a postseason tournament. Other requirements for the applicants were to show active participation in other school and community activities and produce an essay on the importance of sportsmanship in educational athletics.

The 32 scholarship recipients will be recognized March 15 during the MHSAA Boys Basketball Finals at the Breslin Student Events Center in East Lansing.

The Class B Scholar-Athlete Award honorees are Madelynn Kreider, Kingsford; Hannah Lee, Ann Arbor Greenhills; Grace McDowell, Whitehall; Addison Seemann, Freeland; Eleana Zhuang, Ann Arbor Greenhills; Oliver Costello, Haslett; Ryan Goodrich, Whitehall; Brayden Bryan Lape, Grass Lake; and Alan Mrva, Corunna.

Overviews of the scholarship recipients of the Class B Scholar-Athlete Award follow. A quote from each recipient's essay also is included:

Madelynn Kreider headshotMadelynn Kreider, Kingsford
Played four years of varsity volleyball and will compete in her third of track & field this spring; also played varsity basketball and softball as a freshman. Earned all-state honors her final two seasons of volleyball including making the Division 2 first team this past fall, and served as team captain her final two years. Ran on two Finals-placing track relays and also served as captain for that team. Ranked first in her graduating class academically and participating in second year of National Honor Society. Serving fourth year on student council and as vice president. Also participating in second years of Key Club and as student ambassador for her school, and serving as the social media coordinator in her fourth year with Fellowship for Christian Athletes. Will attend Michigan Technological University and study kinesiology and exercise science.

Essay Quote: “(Sportsmanship) challenges us to choose integrity, even when the stakes are high, and to see every opportunity as a gift from God. Volleyball may have taught me how to hit and set, but sportsmanship taught me how to handle life’s victories and defeats with love and grace. That, above all, is what I will carry with me forever.”

Hannah Lee headshotHannah Lee, Ann Arbor Greenhills
Played four seasons of varsity golf, helping team to MHSAA Finals all four years and posting top-13 individual finishes at last two championship tournaments. Earned all-state and academic all-state recognition. Participating in fourth year of forensics and also fourth year coaching middle school team; reached state finals as competitor in multiple events. Participating in third year as part of University of Michigan Youth Chamber Singers and also played two years as part of Detroit Symphony Orchestra’s Civic Youth Ensembles. Participating in fourth year of Greenhills Gryphon Sports Live broadcasting club and as president, and participating in fourth year of United Congressional Award Club and as board member. Earned school’s notable research award for work with University of Michigan’s Obstetrics & Gynecology department. Is undecided where she will attend college but intends to study biology and psychology with potentially a minor in business.

Essay Quote: “Sportsmanship in golf is about more than making the right call or showing respect in the moment; it’s about creating a lasting impact on the game, players, and community. It fosters an environment of mutual respect, where competitors aim to elevate each other rather than just defeat one another. Golf teaches that sportsmanship is a mindset, lasting far beyond the final putt.”

Grace McDowell headshotGrace McDowell, Whitehall
Played four seasons of varsity golf, is playing her second of varsity basketball and will play her fourth of varsity tennis this spring. Reached MHSAA Finals all four seasons in golf and as a freshman in tennis, and served as captain of both teams. Earned all-state recognition in golf, all-league in that sport and tennis and also all-state academic in tennis. Serving fourth year as student council class president and participating for second year on Michigan Department of Education Student Advisory Council. Participating in second year of National Honor Society and third as part of West Michigan OsteoScholars. Contributing to youth sports as part of No More Sidelines and First Tee programs and as a youth basketball referee. Is undecided where she will attend college but intends to major in pre-medical studies.

Essay Quote: My love for the game and internal drive have enabled me to embrace my competitive spirit. This spirit is paramount to educational athletics; the desire to win can overshadow sportsmanship. Real victories come not from the score but from the character we build as we compete. Being a good sport is showing respect, maintaining humility in victory, and offering support in defeat.”

Addison Seemann headshotAddison Seemann, Freeland
Played four seasons of varsity volleyball, is playing her fourth of varsity basketball, and also has competed in track & field throughout high school. Earned all-region honors in volleyball and basketball and also all-state recognition in the latter, and earned all-state as part of two track relays. Served as captain of volleyball and basketball teams, and earned academic all-state in basketball as well. Served three years as student council class president and this year as executive president. Participating in second year of National Honor Society and fourth on executive council of Be The Change group. Participated in Great Lakes Bay Regional Youth Leadership Institute as a junior and was a three-time attendee of Midland Area Youth Impact Partnership. Serving fourth year as youth basketball referee. Is undecided where she will attend college but intends to study civil engineering.

Essay Quote: “From a young age, if players feel supported while making mistakes and taking risks, they grow not only as athletes, but as people too. By instilling values of teamwork, compassion, and respect at young ages, these traits are carried on with athletes throughout their lives. A positive environment in sports contributes to a lifelong love for personal development and healthy competition.”

Eleana Zhuang headshotEleana Zhuang, Ann Arbor Greenhills
Played two years of varsity volleyball, playing second of varsity basketball and will compete in third of varsity track & field this spring. Qualified for MHSAA Finals as part of track relay as a junior and helped that team to multiple league championships. Served as basketball captain and will serve as track captain this upcoming season. Earned all-academic in volleyball. Named AP Scholar with Honor. Serving as senior class secretary and treasurer and East Asian Pacific American Community leader. Participating in third year with Student Service Leaders group and earned National Community Service Ambassador Awards the last two years. Serving second year on Canton Public Library’s Teen Leadership Council. Earned multiple art awards including silver key in Southeast Michigan & Thumb Scholastic Art Awards competition. Will attend University of Michigan and study movement science in school of kinesiology.

Essay Quote: “Our passion for sports drives us, but our compassion for each other makes educational athletics an unforgettable environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and supported. …  As athletes, we’re constantly faced with the choice between passion and compassion. In terms of sportsmanship, compassion always comes first. When we lead with compassion, we grow into individuals who uplift those around us, a lesson essential beyond sports. That’s what makes athletics unforgettable.”

Oliver Costello headshotOliver Costello, Haslett
Played four seasons of varsity tennis, is competing in fourth on swimming & diving team and intends to play varsity lacrosse this spring; also played junior varsity baseball as a freshman. Earned all-conference and all-area recognition in swimming and earned all-conference recognition in tennis in helping that team reach MHSAA Finals all four seasons and win Regional title as a junior. Earned all-academic honors in both sports and served as team captain of both teams. Participating in second year of National Honor Society and has served as chapter president. Participated in marching band and drumline, and choir, throughout high school, earning Division 1 state ratings in both. Founded and served as president of Intro to Business and Engineering Sciences clubs. Served as youth swim and tennis coach. Will attend University of Michigan and study chemical engineering.

Essay Quote: “I realize there will always be others ahead of me to chase. When we both reach the wall, I can take pride in showing the sportsmanship I’ve developed and in being an example for another young swimmer. No matter how close the race, outside of the pool, we all share the same goal: improvement.”

Ryan Goodrich headshotRyan Goodrich, Whitehall
Played four years of varsity football and competed in varsity wrestling and baseball throughout his first three years of high school, but has been unable to wrestle this winter because of an injury and is not expecting to be able to play this spring. Reached MHSAA Finals twice in wrestling and placed once, and earned all-conference and academic all-conference in all three sports. Also earned academic all-state in wrestling and baseball. Served as football and wrestling team captain. Participating in second year of National Honor Society and has served as chapter president, and participating in third year of Business Professionals of America and as president. Made BPA state and national finals. Serving second year as Link Crew leader and participating in third year with school’s Hope Squad chapter and first as part of student board for First Priority group. Will attend University of Pennsylvania to study philosophy, politics and economics.

Essay Quote: “Fixating on wins can make the fall from the top unbearable, and being consumed by the losses turns small victories into meaningless moments. That’s where sportsmanship comes in. While at face value it can be respecting the referee or playing fair, sportsmanship is truly reflected in how we handle both triumph and failure. That, I believe, is the greatest lesson from sports.”

Brayden Bryan Lape headshotBrayden Bryan Lape, Grass Lake
Played four seasons of varsity football, is playing his fourth of varsity basketball and will play his fourth of varsity baseball this spring. Earned all-state honors in basketball and football and academic all-state honors in all three sports. Also earned all-conference in all three sports and set several school football records. Served as four-year team captain in all three sports. Participated all four years in National Honor Society and served all four years on student council – and fulfilled these duties while earning national acclaim as a vocalist, recording original music and finishing fifth on NBC’s “The Voice” Season 22. Will attend Northwood University and study accounting.

Essay Quote: “It was during this time (while injured and unable to play) that I truly was able to understand the power of sportsmanship. It is more than just shaking hands after a game or congratulating an opponent. Those are important and necessary gestures, but true sportsmanship involves respecting the game, respecting the people involved, and respecting yourself. Realizing this helped me become a better version of myself. I realized it’s about embracing triumph and defeat with grace and humility.”

Alan Mrva headshotAlan Mrva, Corunna
Played four seasons of varsity football and will compete in fourth of track & field this spring. Earned all-state honors in football and qualified for MHSAA Finals in track & field. Served as team captain multiple seasons for both. Participating in second years of National Honor Society and as part of Corunna Cavalier Ambassadors. Participated in Future Farmers of America throughout high school serving in various leadership roles at the chapter, regional and state levels. Qualified for FFA state competition and was two-time gold-level recipient for skills contest. Serving third year as junior advisor on Shiawassee County Fair Board. Participated in Shiawassee Scholars program throughout high school. Will attend either Michigan State University or Purdue University and study agricultural engineering.

Essay Quote: “Just as in the classroom, sports help us learn through experience. … (That) I learned to take ownership of my actions and respect those around me even when I am at my lowest goes beyond sports. I have used my stance and realized that every interaction I have with another person leaves an impact on their lives. I hope I can build a legacy that future generations of Corunna Cavaliers are inspired by so that one day they use what I have done and become better versions of themselves.”

Other Class B girls finalists for the Scholar-Athlete Award were Madison Cole, Battle Creek Pennfield; Lauren Sundquist, Gladstone; Sierra Grooters, Hudsonville Unity Christian; Nadia Grierson, Ludington; Anna Catherine Boggs, Monroe Jefferson; Marlee Plaxco, Negaunee; Hailey Dodd, Parma Western; Alaina Hanson, Reed City; Alexandrea Komarowski, St Clair; Scarlet Maison, Standish-Sterling; and Cami Kraai, Whitehall .

Other Class B boys finalists for the Scholar-Athlete Award were Maxwell Volk, Chesaning; Isaak Rubley, Dundee; Brayden Joslin, Durand; Corbin Allen, Grayling; Jayse Peterson, Hastings; Caden VanHuis, Holland Christian; Gavin J. Trevillian, Kingsford; Nicholas Caldwell, North Branch; Benjamin Kelenske, Olivet; Blair Scott, Olivet; Owen Feldpausch, Owosso; and Brady Tate, Whitehall.

The Class C and D scholarship award recipients were announced Feb. 4, and the Class A honorees will be announced Feb. 18.

Farm Bureau Insurance of Michigan was founded in 1949 by Michigan farmers who wanted an insurance company that worked as hard as they did. Those values still guide the company today and are a big reason why it is known as Michigan’s Insurance Company, dedicated to protecting the farms, families, and businesses of this great state. Farm Bureau Insurance agents across Michigan provide a full range of insurance services – life, home, auto, farm, business, retirement, Lake Estate®, and more – protecting nearly 500,000 Michigan policyholders.

The MHSAA is a private, not-for-profit corporation of voluntary membership by more than 1,500 public and private senior high schools and junior high/middle schools which exists to develop common rules for athletic eligibility and competition. No government funds or tax dollars support the MHSAA, which was the first such association nationally to not accept membership dues or tournament entry fees from schools. Member schools which enforce these rules are permitted to participate in MHSAA tournaments, which attract more than 1.4 million spectators each year.