Officiate Michigan Day Goes Virtual for 2021

By Geoff Kimmerly senior editor

August 3, 2021

The first two Officiate Michigan Day events in 2013 and 2018 gave hundreds of Michigan game officials opportunities to come together for education and camaraderie, something tough to replicate for an Officiate Michigan Day III to be hosted virtually this summer due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

But a series of 26 views posted to the MHSAA's YouTube feed this week instead already have been watched nearly 1,400 times, with the ability to reach hundreds more dedicated to honing their craft. 

As in years past, these OMD videos offer speakers and panel discussions and address general officiating topics and also sport-specific subjects. Below is the first of those 26 videos, addressing associations and helping officials reach their goals. Or, click for the playlist in its entirety: Officiate Michigan Day.

Be the Referee: Libero

By Paige Winne
MHSAA Marketing & Social Media Coordinator

September 17, 2024

Be The Referee is a series of short messages designed to help educate people on the rules of different sports, to help them better understand the art of officiating, and to recruit officials.

Below is this week's segment – Libero - Listen

In volleyball, a libero is a defensive player who plays in the back row. It’s a fairly new position, as it was introduced in 1998 – and the libero plays by some unique rules:

► The libero wears a different color jersey from the rest of the team – so they are easily identifiable. Only one libero can be designated for each set of a match.

► The libero can serve, but can't perform an overhead set in front of the attack line, or complete an attack if the ball is above the net.

► The libero is never allowed to rotate to the front line.

► The libero is the first line of defense, often passing to the setter and covering open spaces.

► The libero can be replaced without restriction – but in the event of an injury, can only be replaced by the player the libero originally replaced.

Previous 2024-25 Editions

Sept. 10: Cross Country Uniforms - Listen
Sept. 3: Soccer Handling - Listen
Aug. 24: Football Holding - Listen

PHOTO Livonia Franklin libero Mckenna Moore (1) defends during her team's match against Livonia Churchill this season. (Photo by Douglas Bargerstock.)